Flood-Related Resources

Gathered below are resources from UT Extension Specialists and other organizations across the state and country to assist individuals, families, and producers who have been impacted by the recent flooding event. Reach out to your County Extension Office for assistance.

TEMA Resources and Updates

Main News Page for Helene Updates

Flash reports

USDA Assistance Programs and Resources

USDA Disaster Assistance Recover Tool

  • Learn about USDA disaster assistance programs that might be right for you by completing five simple steps

USDA Disaster Assistance Programs at a Glance – PDF

  • Resource that provides overview of available disaster assistance programs and eligibility requirements

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)

EDEN resources search

  • Search to find additional resources from across the country

Animal/Livestock Related Information and Resources

  • Documenting losses: Livestock owners could be eligible for federal assistance, so they should record all pertinent information on livestock death losses due to wildfire. Documentation of the number and kind of livestock that have died, supplemented, when possible, by such items as, but not limited to:
    • Photographs or video records to document the loss, dated if possible.
    • Purchase records, veterinarian records, production records and bank or other loan documents.
    • Written contracts, records assembled for tax purposes, private insurance documents and other similar reliable documents.
    • Quantity and kind of livestock that died directly from the eligible event. This may be documented by purchase records, veterinarian records, bank or other loan documents, as well as rendering truck receipts or certificates, production records and records assembled for tax purposes.
  • The Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) aids with livestock losses due to disasters, including flooding. LIP provides indemnity payments for livestock killed in floods that had to be euthanized as a direct result of the flooding or were injured and had to be sold within 30 days for a reduced rate.
  • Producers must provide records of their losses, including inventories, financial records, photographs, rendering receipts and veterinary certifications. The deadline to provide notice of loss and a payment application is 60 days after the calendar year in which the loss occurred.

Feeds and Forages

Farm and Home Flood Recovery

Food Safety

Specialty and Nursery Crops

  • For specialty crop disaster assistance, producers should reach out to their local USDA-FSA office to request assistance from the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
  • The Tree Assistance Program provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters. Learn more about TAP.
  • The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) helps farmers and ranchers repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters including removing debris from agricultural lands including high tunnels and hoop houses.

Flood Clean-Up

Parenting in Disaster

Replacing Documents/Records

Mental and Emotional Well-Being After a Disaster