UT Extension offers educational programs in a variety of subject matters. Many of these programs meet requirements for participating in the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s Tennessee Agriculture Enhancement Program. Learn more about each program below.

Master Beekeeping
The Tennessee Master Beekeeping Program is a school for all beekeepers, regardless of operation size or experience level. The goal is to improve the knowledge of TN beekeepers about beekeeping, and the program is dedicated to beekeepers in Tennessee.
Learn more about the Master Beekeeping program.

Master Nursery Producer
The Tennessee Master Nursery Producer program (TMNP), both regular and advanced, is a professional development program for nursery crops producers. Designed to provide Tennessee nursery crops producers with best information, the program seeks to enhance profitability and long-term environmental, economic, and community sustainability.
Learn more about the Master Nursery Producer program.

Farm Family Health & Wellness
The Tennessee Master Farm Family Health and Wellness program is focused on making long-term health investments in Tennessee farm families and their communities.
Learn more about the Farm Family Health and Wellness program.

Farming Fundamentals
The UT Farming Fundamentals educational program is an online resource focusing on producers who are beginning a new venture in agriculture. This program will include resources and information on the essential principles needed to build a successful operation.
Learn more about the Farming Fundamentals program.

Master Backyard Poultry Producer
The Master Backyard Poultry Producer Program is designed to service the educational needs of backyard poultry producers in Tennessee. The program gives poultry producers a combination of classroom teaching and hands-on learning experiences. The learning sessions provide opportunities for producers to increase knowledge and skills needed to apply management practices necessary for success in the backyard poultry industry.
Learn more about the Master Backyard Poultry Producer program.

Master Beef Producer
The Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program is designed to provide targeted educational presentations and hands-on demonstrations for a broad scope of topic areas in beef cattle production. Our objective is to provide Tennessee cattle producers with information and experience that can improve profitability while simultaneously making more efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.
Learn more about the Master Beef Producer program.

Master Commercial Poultry Producer
The Tennessee Master Commercial Poultry Producer Program is designed to improve the profitability and efficiency of commercial poultry producers.
Learn more about the Master Commercial Poultry Producer program.

Master Dairy Producer
The Tennessee Master Dairy Program is an educational program to provide a variety of information on animal housing, management, nutrition, reproduction, milk quality, health, handling, welfare, and other topics. Modules are continuously created to provide dairy producers and other interested parties with the most up-to-date information on the topic of interest.
Learn more about the Master Dairy program.

Master Farm Manager
Create a strong business foundation to make better decisions for your farm’s future!
The Tennessee Master Farm Manager focuses on solid business principals to help you better manage your operation. We will focus on helping you utilize resources on your farm efficiently.
Learn more about the Master Farm Manager program.

Master Horse
The driving force behind the Tennessee Master Horse Program (TMHP) is to raise the level of education and improve overall success of horse owners and producers within the state. Additionally, by improving management practices and providing the opportunity for intellectual growth, equine producers and business owners can continue to expand this vital portion of Tennessee agriculture.
Learn more about the Master Horse program.

Master Row Crop Producer
The Tennessee Master Row Crop Producer Program is a new educational program designed to further improve the profitability and sustainability of today’s row crop farming operations. From fundamental to cutting edge research-based information, training module topics include agronomics, integrated pest management, weed and disease management, precision agriculture, irrigation, grain drying and storage, marketing, and more.
Learn more about the Master Row Crop Producer program.

Master Small Ruminant Producer
The Master Small Ruminant Producer program is designed to service the educational needs of sheep and goat producers in Tennessee. The program gives sheep and goat producers a combination of classroom teaching and hands-on learning experiences. The learning sessions provide opportunities for producers to increase knowledge and skills needed to apply management practices necessary for profitability and sustainability of the sheep and goat industry.
Learn more about the Master Small Ruminant program.

Master Gardener
The Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Program is a volunteer educational program that provides Tennesseans with horticulture education! The program trains and engages with volunteers to provide the public with research-based information on lawn and garden topics.
Learn more about the Master Gardener program.

Tennessee Smart Yards
Tennessee Smart Yards is an Extension-led program that guides Tennesseans on practices they can apply in their outdoor spaces to create healthier, more ecologically-sound landscapes and communities.
Learn more about Tennessee Smart Yards and how to have your yard certified as a Tennessee Smart Yard.

Certified Lawn Care Professional
This introductory, online course will provide you with the education and skills needed to effectively establish and maintain turfgrasses. It is ideal for those who are new to the industry as well as those looking to market themselves as industry professionals.
Learn more about the Certified Lawn Care Professional program.
Master Logger program is offered through the Tennessee Forestry Association.
Additional certification programs, trainings and educational programs offered through UT Extension include:
Pesticide Safety Education Program
- Private Applicator Certification
- Commercial Applicator Certification
- Licensing
- Dicamba Training
- Paraquat Training
4-H Youth Development
4-H develops youth to thrive and to “make the best better.” Youth participate in 4-H through clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps, and many other methods. 4-H youth “learn by doing” through hands-on activities, starting in their own communities, and reaching far beyond; while empowering them to develop and strengthen valuable life skills.
Family & Consumer Sciences
From learning Tai Chi to managing farmer stress, our top professionals in every county use research-based education to help Tennesseans gain knowledge and develop confidence in making good decisions today and tomorrow.